Welcome To
Anjana Export Pvt Ltd

Best Ceylon Spices

We are thrilled to serve you with our top-quality products and excellent customer service. And  provide you with the best possible experience in exporting goods, and we are committed to delivering on that promise

Anjana Export Pvt Ltd

About Us

We at “Anjana Export” are committed to providing superior service to our suppliers. We work hard to provide you with the best quality products and services. By empowering entrepreneurs by utilizing the latest technology available, we are responsible for providing you with quality and clean local spices

Wholesale Order Request​

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What we Stand for

Our reputation of authenticity stems from our passion to deliver the best.


As leaders in Organics, we source our goods from Ceylon Organic Farmers’ association, for exclusive sourcing of Organic goods. Our focus on compliance is monitored thoroughly from farm to facility.


We treat our employees and farmers ethically. Our COFA farmers have benefited mutually and equally under our efforts for manufacturing and processing fair trade organic goods.


We naturally promote sustainability of the environment and our farmers in dealing with organic and natural products by ensuring organic compliance and preserving our forests.